Saturday, February 5, 2011

sketch sheep 005

Hello, everyone. It's snowing again, and after that dreadful snowstorm on Tuesday, the sight, even the thought of snow terrifies me just a tad. Well, I have my last dump of old art here, and after this I should be free to post my new stuff. By "new stuff," not all of it--in fact, very little of it--will consist of finished projects. Most of my uploads here on SketchSheep will be sketches. Hence the "sketch" in SketchSheep. (The "sheep" in SketchSheep comes from my initials, RAM, which I have always been proud of and use as my signature.)

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and the day after that is Man Day, so I have some lovey-dovey art treats for you later. For now, here's my RAM exercises in college.

Here are some sketch exercises in college. The first one, done in blue marker, is actually done by not looking at the drawing at all, and instead only looking at the subject. This technique is called blind contour, and is used to train your hand and also to train you to really "see" the subject.
Blind contour. I, myself, am EXTREMELY amazed at the job I did.

Now a few other college works. Nothing I'm particularly impressed with, but my professor was pleased.

This is the nude model sketch. My first REAL nude, ever.
Oh, it's Pyramidhead. I forgot about him.

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