Monday, January 31, 2011

sketch sheep 004

Paintings done just last year for the fall semester. This was my first time working with acrylics. I made 5 projects total, namely these in this order:

  • Still Life
  • Self-Portrait
  • Landscape
  • Surreal
  • Narrative
As you can see, below I have only posted three of them--the still life, the self-portrait, and the surreal. The landscape is at my uncle Steve's--he bought it. Mom has a photo of it somewhere, but I don't. As of the narrative painting, I hate it. I received an A on it, but I hate it.

Well, I guess there's no point hiding anything from anyone, is there? After all, this is my art blog and I aim to show the sketches and the junk as well as the good stuff.. I intend to dump almost everything on here. (In the future, expect me to show you other artists that I'm fond of.)

So, here you go. The narrative, inspired by Stephen King's Cujo.

You may wonder why I have so few paintings... well, they take a very, very long time, and for the acrylics, I only had a one-semester class. We had class from 5-9:30 on Tuesdays and only about 15 weeks were in that semester.

I'd like to tally up all of the paintings I've created.

Tempera: Did maybe 3 or 4 in high school, and maybe 1 or 2 in college. I try to avoid this cheap medium unless I'm using it to "sketch." Sketch paint. Yes. New term. Rejoice!
Oils: Only one, exactly.
Acrylics: Only five, exactly
Watercolor: More than 10, less than 30. Some have gone missing, others were presents.

As you can see, I have not painted much. I'm most experienced in watercolor, and that's because I love the medium so much. I love oils and acrylics, too, but watercolors are very clean and convenient. Cheap, too.

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