Monday, February 7, 2011


Gawd, the internet is terrrrible here... Well, anyway. Today is Man Day, so here is a doodle of a man. To all males out there, shield your eyes, it will be over with quickly.

This beer makes me even manlier.
So, yeah. I'm sure there's a "woman day" coming up soon. I believe that for every naked woman, there should be a naked man, and vice versa. Fair is fair. Uhh, yes, off that topic.

Couple of kinda-old comics for "My Alien Uncle." I can't seem to go through with making comics and keeping to the series... I'm so scatter-brained. One second I'm all, I WANT TO MAKE A SILENT HILL COMIC, the next I'm all, I want to do something fun instead! Then even that changes and I say, I want to make comic shorts of my characters' origins stories!! Comic-making is kind of a dedicated process, but I can't dedicate myself to even working on these projects. (Sigh.) I need something. I don't know what, but I need something to make me get serious and make me work hard on this stuff.

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