Thursday, April 21, 2011


I just saw the most disturbing movie for my horror film class. "Splice." It came out last year. I just need to vent real quick, but after I'm done I will continue suppressing the bad memories and thus forgetting about it entirely. Anyway, the whole point of the film was to show that we still have animal instincts built into us. I know that's vague, buuut if I say anymore I may withdraw into shock.

I've decided to create a vampire character (essentially a stock character, useful for roleplay or any future ideas I may have) since I don't already have one. I'm very much-so in love with this band called Aural Vampire and I've decided to model her after the lead singer of the Japanese band. I wouldn't exactly call them a band, though; there are two members, a singer and a DJ. If you'd like to watch a couple of their music videos, here they are, though I'm not sure you'll like them. Cannibal Coast, and Freeeeze!! So, I've decided to turn a notebook into a place where I keep all of my characters, and references of them. I'll have more images up later after I've worked on it for awhile.

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